Well done to all our children for participating with such enthusiasm on Sports Day, everyone had a lot of fun and it was great to see so many parents coming to support their children. Congratulations to Mars who won the overall House Cup with the majority of points. This week I would like to highlight a few events which are coming up.
Well done to all our children for participating with such enthusiasm on Sports Day, everyone had a lot of fun and it was great to see so many parents coming to support their children. Congratulations to Mars who won the overall House Cup with the majority of points. This week I would like to highlight a few events which are coming up.
- School Photos
- International Day
- Book Week
We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events.
School Photos - 19 February
Pret-a-Portrait will be in school to take your child/ren's individual and class photos for the academic year. Please ensure that your children come to school in their School Uniform for the day and that they are neat and tidy.
The photographs will be taken on a white background, similar to the one above.
Family and sibling portraits can be booked with Amira at reception starting from 1:30pm in 5 minute slots. Please call her on 4036 0063, spaces are still available.
Pret-a-Portrait will send each parent viewing instructions, you can order online or come into reception (we will provide a date) for us to assist you with your online orders. Early orders will receive a 10% discount. Deliveries will be made directly to the school, unless other arrangements are made.
For more information on Pret-a-Portrait please visit pret-a-portrait.net
International Day
We are very excited about hosting our first International Day at school.
We have lots of fun activities planned, but need your help to ensure that it is an fun learning day for our students.
Please join us on 20 February at 12:30 for our final meeting to discuss the requirements further. If you cannot make this time, then please email the below details to reception@oryxschool.qa:
Child's Name:
Home Country:
I will be contributing:
Parent volunteer:
I am available to help at these times:
You can assist by providing a national food dish, flag, artefact/s, a poster or picture from your home country.
We have already had a dress rehearsal in the first term when the students came into school for a photoshoot. So, dust those outfits off again and ensure they are ready for your children to wear on 23 February. We would love to see some of our parent's dressed in their National outfits too, so don't be shy. We will start with our 'Fashion Show' at 09:00am and progress to the rest of the activities thereafter.
We look forward to seeing you all in school on Thursday.
Our Book Week with Roald Dahl
Book Week in school is always exciting for our children. They get to spend time just reading, being read to and immersing themselves into the literary world of imagination.
This year we are celebrating the written works of Roald Dahl. Each class has selected one of his books to read for the week.
They will be involved in a variety of activities from creative art to creative writing, they will make bookmarks, decorate their classroom doors, do character and author studies, create story boxes and use these to create an oral story, participate in quizzes, bring their favourite book into school and children from different classes will get to read to each other.
The week will end off with a character dress up competition on
2 March. Get your creative hats on and start making your child/ren the best character outfit ever!
Oryx People
Niall McGinn
Year 3 Teacher
Where are you from? Tyrone, Ireland
Do you miss anything from your home country? Family and friends.
Is there anything you couldn’t live without? Food.
Why did you choose to live in Qatar? Life experience.
What do you like about your job? Working with children and seeing them improve.
Did you always want to do this job? Yes.
What do you like to do in your spare time? Play sports and socialise with friends.
If you could have dinner with 3 guests (dead or alive) who would they be? George Best, Paul McCartney and Tommy Tiernan.
Have you any dreams or plans for the future? Travel to each continent and visit the new 7 wonders of the world.
Pre-loved School Clothes
We would like to start a pre-loved School Clothes shop in school. If you have any clothes you would like to donate, please let us know by emailing reception@oryxschool.qa