Dear Parents
I hope this newsletter finds you safe and well.
Ramadan Kareem – on behalf of the staff I offer you all blessings and peace at this time.
The continuing situation regarding online learning from home is, of course, worldwide at the moment and we are continuing to adjust to another phase of this new style of teaching & learning. As you will know from my previous letter on Tuesday, we are about to migrate our school provision fully into our group VLE. This is part of our scheduled programme which we have been following from the start of the academic year and will bring more learning opportunities and communication platforms for the school community. You will have received letters from Mrs. Smith and Mr. Haggarty with further details, and our IT department will send out login details and passwords. You will find demonstration and information videos on the school website and we will be setting aside time next week for teachers to assist students with the process. Like anything new, there might be a few small temporary challenges which we will overcome swiftly. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this process.
We are now into the Holy month of Ramadan, and as of Sunday 26th April, we will be operating our Ramadan hours (08.00 – 13.00) as per the Mo&EHE directive. We plan to offer ‘virtual Iftar’ and hope that some of you will be able to join together online. I will send dates and times next week.
If any of our Secondary students have run out of free space in their workbooks, parents can collect one copy of each type of exercise book per child from the security gate at school.
I held an online meeting with representatives from the PTSA this week to discuss our online provision and what we can address on behalf of parents to further assist this process. I was very grateful for all the feedback you provided via the PTSA, which was overwhelmingly positive, several of the issues have already been attended to and I will discuss with the SLT, some other issues raised. Please continue to liaise with your Class Rep or any of the PTSA committee members in order for SLT to keep abreast of the main issues arising. We also discussed some ideas for a virtual International Day and also some recipe ideas which can be collated and shared. More information will be sent via the PTSA next week.
Regards and best wishes,
Derek Laidlaw
Executive Principal