Dear Parents

I hope this message finds you all safe and well.

Another week seems to have flown past and we are about to enter the last week of Ramadan. We will be observing a week’s break from learning at Eid, from 24th – 28th May inclusive. This will give staff, students and yourselves a chance to ‘switch off’ from virtual learning and recharge your batteries. Following Eid, we have 4 weeks of learning until our last day of term, Thursday 25th June. We have a great deal to offer before then, including our Sixth Form Induction and introduction to A Levels programme. This has been prepared by our new Head of Sixth Form, Mr. Cundall, in conjunction with other SLT and it will provide our current Year 11 students with important information and activities. It is, therefore, extremely important that all Year 11 students continue to engage with the learning provision, as they have been so commendably thus far.

We have published our amended events calendar for May and June, which includes many opportunities for parents and students to engage with members of staff on a wide range of issues, including eLearning provision, reports and transition - especially from Year 6 to Year 7 – and dates for parent/teacher meetings. More information regarding the individual events in May and June will be sent to parents in due course.

I am delighted that Year 3, Year 4 and Year 10 migration onto CANVAS went very smoothly, thank you for your patience and cooperation with this. Year 1 and Year 2 will be migrating onto CANVAS next week. Parents received information this week, and if you encounter any difficulties next week, please contact your class teacher in the first instance.

We are preparing action plans and protocols for the various scenarios for the future re-opening of the school premises. I have been in contact with other Principals from the British Schools of the Middle East (BSME) as well as our colleagues in other Orbital schools, and this is helping us to formulate these plans which I will share with you once the situation becomes a little clearer.

Regards and best wishes

Mr. Derek Laidlaw