Dear Parents,

We have had another very busy week at OIS with several sporting events, Oryx Celebrates, Parents’ meetings, Digital Learning Day and our first staff quiz night! The highlight, undoubtedly was the secondary choir winning the Qatar Schools Choir Competition 2020. This was a remarkable achievement after only rehearsing together for a few months. There were 28 school choirs competing and the competition was of a high standard. Mr. Winchester and Mr. Haggarty deserve a lot of credit for their expertise in preparing the choir as do the students themselves for rising to the occasion and achieving their best. It just goes to show what a positive attitude and determined application can do! Our primary choir also deserve congratulations for an excellent performance at the competition. They were very unlucky not to get through to the final …… this time!

I am pleased that the road safety measures with the new bollards outside the school are progressing well and already we have a much safer and secure entrance and pick-up area for children and parents. Other work being carried out includes providing more car parking spaces at the front and side entrances, safety fencing along the main road and a new pedestrian crossing. I am grateful to parents for their continued patience and courtesy to pedestrians, helping to keep our children safe.

I would remind parents that the majority of ASAs will cease after the Spring holiday and that after school care is now provided via Premier Group Sports, for which there is a cost and a requirement to register in advance. I would also respectfully remind parents that when entering onto the school grounds they should be dressed appropriately with regard to the customs of Qatar. Thank you.

I have sent separately, an updated letter on our procedures regarding our precautionary measures against the COVID19 virus.

Kind regards,

Mr. Derek Laidlaw

Photo credit to Doha College Marketing Team