Dear Parents,
It has been a busy term in Primary here at Oryx, with sporting events, assemblies and assessments taking place, to name a few!
There are a number of ongoing competitions in school. Please talk to your children about the Qatar Writing Competition, the Qatar Poetry Competition and the Qatar Airways Fire Safety Competition.
It has been lovely to see so many parents attending the class assemblies and end of term landing events to share in their children's learning this term.
Reports for Years 1 - 6 students are available on the Parent Portal, if you still have not accessed them.
Congratulations to all our children who have been learning stars this month. We will be launching the Linguist of the Month Award to complement the Athlete of the Month Award already in place.
Qatar History Project
It has been a delight to see all the projects coming in to school. The children have been very creative at home and should feel proud of their efforts. Well done! Photographs of these will be made available to the parents once all the projects have been brought to school.
Thank you for your support with upholding the school uniform policy. We recognize that on occasion there may be circumstances when a child cannot come to school in the appropriate uniform and we appreciate your support at all other times.
Please remember:
- School burgundy cardigans and jumpers with the school logo
- Black leather shoes
- Flat earrings, no hoops
There are still a number of parent lanyards that are awaiting collection from the Reception front desk. Parents must wear a parent lanyard when entering the school premises.
After School Activities
The staff have once again shown their support by offering to provide a fantastic range of After School Activities (ASAs). These activities, are in the main, selected by the staff member providing the ASA, and are chosen as they have a real passion and enthusiasm for providing this for your children. Having looked at the range offered, I am sure you would like to join me in thanking the staff for their commitment and for providing such a wealth of opportunity, which further enriches the experience given to your child here at Oryx International School
Have a lovely Winter holiday.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Andrea Smith
Winter Concert

Hour of Code
Students across Primary took part in Hour of Code this week. Hour of Code is a global annual event, which is part of Computer Science Week. Students experienced an hour introduction to computer science and programming, to highlight that anyone can learn the basics of coding and how important computational thinking is in our digital world.
Assemblies - Stars of the Week and House Winners for November and December
It has been a very busy term for our house teams. All children have been made aware of the house they will represent for the duration of their time at Oryx. We took part in some great events including; Science week and the egg challenge, House Quiz, a Volleyball Tournament, Spelling Bee and Before they weren't Famous, to name a few. We also enjoyed raising cancer awareness with our charity event ‘Pink Day’.
Congratulations to those appointed house captains and vice captains this term as they fulfill their role throughout the year. Have a look at our house boards at the main entrances to Primary and Secondary for updates.
There are some great events coming up in Term 2 to look forward to: Singing week, Sports week, Poetry Recital and a Qatar Airways community charity event. A lot to look forward to.