Dear Parents
What an interesting term this has been! Thank you for your continued support with online learning; it has been very much appreciated. Already, staff are preparing for the summer term and the new learning that will take place which will include daily supportive teaching videos for English and Maths. Over the spring break, whilst we all need to relax, it is important that some learning continues, and I ask that children continue to engage in the Phonics and PE activities as well as daily reading and/or maths recall.
Kind regards
Andrea Smith
Foundation Stage 1
In FS1 this week, the children have been getting fit! They have enjoyed tuning in to the live PE sessions with Joe Wicks and Oryx school even got a ‘shout out!’ We have also been tuning in to live daily RWI speedy sounds! The children are now learning about jungle animals and created some amazing masks at home to role play with. This week, the children also focused on listening to instructions with positional language and had a go at using positional language themselves.
We want to wish everyone a peaceful, safe break and we are so appreciative of all the work parents have been doing at home to support their children’s learning.
After the break: We will move on to our exciting new topic “Pirates and Mermaids.” Arrrghhh you ready?
Foundation Stage 2
This week FS2 have continued their great efforts whilst working at home, so well done to them all. The children have been busy making Play Dough, using it as a fun way to exercise their fingers and keep them strong! They have also been practising how to play a rhythm in music and have completed lots of exercises to develop speed, agility and quickness for P.E.
When we return, FS2 will begin a new topic on Traditional Tales. Have a restful break.
Year 1
Year 1 have had a fantastic week of home learning with lots of practical activities happening as well as e-learning. The children have been busy making skeletons using different materials. Some children used pasta, some used cotton wool, we have seen amazing pieces of work. In music the children have been bringing their musical instruments to life. I have seen some very creative instruments made from all different recycled materials.
Year 2
Wow, what a fun week we’ve had in Year 2. We’ve seen such amazing work and videos of all our boys and girls completing activities at home. Our favourite activity was when we had to draw a poster of our family and explain why our family is so important and what makes it special. We have so enjoyed seeing all our wonderful OIS families! We miss all our boys and girls and look forward to seeing everyone back at school when we can. Next term we will be learning all about ‘The Romans’.
Year 3
The Year 3 team are really proud of all the work the children are producing! The chocolate creations sound extremely delicious and the standard of descriptive writing has been excellent!
We wish you all a great half term! We are looking forward to explore Wonka’s chocolate factory after the half term now that all the golden tickets have been found.

Year 4
The Year 4 students had another busy week of learning. Some amazing videos of the mummification process were submitted as well as their “helping out at home” diaries.
Enjoy your two weeks off after a very unique school term. Next term we will be learning all about the Rainforest and what we can do to help it.

Year 5
The children in Year 5 have been very busy this week...they are now officially Rockstars and have been using Times Tables Rockstar to improve their mental recall of multiplication and division facts. Another exciting event took place in Science where the children took part in a handwashing experiment and recorded videos to showcase their findings...we learnt lots about the power of soap!
Next term, we look forward to starting our Topic learning about Space and thinking about our key question: ‘Are we ready for the next generation?’

Year 6
It has been another great week with some fantastic work being submitted daily. This week the children had the opportunity to improve their Newspaper Report writing skills, which was focused on the very relevant topic 'Poaching'. The children then changed their focus to diary entries, focusing on the features of diary entries. In Maths, we challenged our timetables skills through 'Rock Star Math' and the children had the opportunity to create some fantastic Fibonacci sequences. We also made some delicious chocolate brownies, using and following a set of instructions. They focused on using weighing scales & measuring ingredients accurately. This was an excellent way to put their Maths measurement skills into action.
Finally, I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable half term. This one has been well-earned by pupils, parents & staff. Please be safe over the break and thank you for your continued support.
The Department of Arabic Language, Islamic Education and Qatar history began this week applying the policy and approach of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to distance learning.
Our students have made us proud by working exceptionally hard this week, they have been disciplined and interested in their lessons on a daily basis.
I would also like to thank all the students and parents for their continual communication with us and their understanding of the changes that occurred during the implementation of the new approach received from the Ministry of Education.
We always follow the MOE&HE's directives on any matters relating to the three compulsory subjects of Arabic language, Islamic Studies and Qatar History. We will continue to implement these for the benefit of the students and to raise their efficiency and capabilities in each subject.
Thank you everyone for working so hard with your music projects at home over the last few weeks. You have sent us some fantastic work.
We have seen fabulous instruments made in KS1 this week. We have enjoyed watching all the videos you have sent in of you demonstrating how to play your instruments, they sound really great. Well done everyone! After the break you will be using your instruments to play along to your favourite songs, so be sure to keep them safe.
In KS2 this week you have designed some unique looking instruments. Over the break you can collect the materials you need to make your instruments as after the holidays you will be making your design. We are looking forward to seeing all your wonderful designs come to life.
Remember, if you have a musical instrument at home or you just love to sing then we would love to see some videos of you performing. Keep playing everyone!
Physical Education
Greetings from the PE Department! What a great week we have had in PE staying as active and fit as possible at home.
This week in primary PE students have been having a lot of fun completing our tasks. Students have been busy making movement to music, family fitness fun, football skills and practising throwing and catching skills. As well as this many students have taken part in the ''Joe Wicks'' live PE workouts that are being posted daily online, check them out if you haven't already.