Welcome back to all our children and parents on our return to school after many months away. It has been such a pleasure to see our school come back to life with all the happy and excited children back in the building, all be it in very different circumstances. The return to school has never been so eagerly anticipated by all our Oryx family.
The PTSA’s role in Oryx is to support and develop a strong and active parent-teacher-student community and to provide opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and school events. There are many ways for our parents to get involved in school life through the PTSA and at the start of each new academic year, we offer parents the opportunity to apply to become a member of our PTSA committee or to become a Parent Class Rep.
PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association whose purpose is to:
Support the Mission, Vision and Procedures of the school Support and enrich the School community Act as a parent representational body who respect and value the diversity of the families in our school community
Applications are invited from parents wishing to be considered to join our existing PTSA committee led by our Chairperson, Harjeet Kaur. Being a PTSA committee member is a demanding role which involves a considerable amount of time during the school day attending meetings and preparing and organising school events. As a result, this is not a suitable position for working parents or for parents with pre-school age children without child care during the day.
If you are interested in joining the PTSA committee please provide a letter about yourself outlining why you would like to be involved, any experience you may have in working within committees and the skills and talents you would bring to the team and email to PTSA@oryxschool.qa
The Parent Class Rep role is suitable for all parents who have time to engage with the Class Teacher and other parents in their class. They serve an important role in maintaining a good flow of communication between parents while also being a valuable support to the class teacher and the PTSA.
If you are interested in becoming a Class Rep, please provide a short description of why you would enjoy this position and what skills you have to manage this role and email to PTSA@oryxschool.qa If you would like any further information before submitting your application please email me directly on karen.laidlaw@oryxschool.qaClosing date for all applications is Thursday 24th September 2020.
Karen Laidlaw
Parent Relations Executive