At Oryx International School, we are committed to keeping members of our community safe online. The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching them about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children. In collaboration with National Online Safety, we will be sharing guides on apps, websites and other online resources we think our community needs to be aware of. These will have tips and advice for parents and children on how to stay safe online. These guides are designed by education professionals to meet the online safety statutory duties outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) September 2020.

TikTok is a video-sharing social media app that lets users create, share, and view user-created videos in a similar manner to Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Its main draw, however, is that users can record and upload bite-sized looping videos of themselves lip-syncing and dancing to popular music or soundbites, often for comedic effect, which can then be further enhanced with filters, emojis and stickers. TikTok has been designed with the young user in mind and has a very addictive appeal. In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online predators, the addictive nature of TikTok and age-inappropriate content. #oryxschool #oryxstory #WakeUpWednesday #TogetherForABetterInternet
As a parent or carer, the best tool to support your child in leading a happy and safe life online is open conversation. Attached is a Parents' Guide which gives advice on how to begin these discussions, how to work together as a family to support your child online, and how to handle difficult conversations or situations. Each section has examples of questions to use to start conversations around safe and positive internet use, and key messages to share with your child. - Parent Guide.
A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the internet, and to start discussions together around how to behave in a positive way when online, whether this is at home, at school or at a friend's. The family agreement provides a list of things to consider, and some examples to get you started. An agreement template is also provided to help families set clear expectations for positive and safe internet use. - Family Agreement
Feel free to send us your family agreements by emailing and celebrate moving forward positively.
The following are some tips on how to be aware of scam emails and potential risks such as viruses, financial damage, and personal safety. Email scams are when you receive an email from someone purporting to be a genuine person or company, but is actually an online fraudster trying to trick you into disclosing personal information. This is often referred to as ‘phishing’. Normally, people click on the links in an email assuming that they will be directed to a trustworthy website – but fake sites, closely resembling the real thing, are increasingly being set up by cybercriminals specifically to capture your personal information, which could, in turn, jeopardise your financial, emotional and possibly even physical wellbeing.
#oryxschool #oryxstory #WakeUpWednesday #TogetherForABetterInternet

It’s fair to say that the past 12 months have been more demanding than most of us would have imagined. A recent study by the Stress Management Society found that 65% of people have felt more stressed since the pandemic began. As part of Stress Awareness Month, we’re joining in with the Stress Management Society’s 30-day challenge. Below, we’ve given you 30 tips to get children, parents, staff and everyone in the Oryx community started: each day, simply pick a stress-busting action to complete from our categories and give your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing a lift. Why 30 days? Because that’s how long it takes for an action to become a habit. Let us know how you’re getting on as the month progresses as we would love to see pictures!
#oryxschool #oryxstory #WakeUpWednesday #TogetherForABetterInternet

Remote Learning is still playing a large and valuable part of our daily lives as it ensures continuous learning from outside of the classroom. However, it is not always straightforward especially for parents and carers. Attached, is a guide to help you continue supporting your child in getting the most out of the remote learning experience.
#oryxschool #oryxstory #WakeUpWednesday #TogetherForABetterInternet

Online gaming is very popular with our children. There are lots of games out there with most offering online interactions. Recently, new consoles called the Playstation 5 and Xbox series X were released. In the pictures below, you will find tips how you as parents can set up parent accounts and control things such as what age rated game your child can plan, set limits on play time and ensure spending is restricted. Happy Gaming.
#oryxschool #oryxstory #TogetherForABetterInternet
With so many sources of information online, it has become increasingly difficult to make sense of what content is based on fact, half-truths or lies. Also, the use of digital platforms to share things we believe to be true when they may not be, can have a powerful ripple effect, influencing others to see them as facts. This can be especially dangerous for children and young people who can be persuaded to take on distorted views of the world that could cause them or others harm in the real world. Attached are some tips on how to recognise Fake News.

The Latest social media app Clubhouse has seen a meteoric rise across the Middle East and especially here in Qatar. Clubhouse is a voice-based social media app that’s quickly rising in popularity. The app provides a fresh take on chat rooms and podcasts – merging the two together to provide users with a new communication experience and yet another social media channel. Please find attached a parent guide on this app. Clubhouse is for 18+

One of the benefits of the internet is the ability to communicate with friends and family all around the world. Communication has changed in recent years with the use of gifs, emojis and memes a common theme. However, this can lead to miscommunication and our children getting upset. Here are some tips for children and parents when communicating using technology. If there is anything you would like advice on, please contact Mr Mernagh

Online Shopping has become a huge industry, especially with the Covid pandemic as people who were in lockdown turned to companies like Amazon to get basic necessities. Online shopping is a great resource to have at your fingertips making it possible to buy anything and have it delivered, even on the same day in some instances. Like everything online, it also comes with warnings. Here are some tips to look out for.

Social Media and Online Gaming have become a huge part of our and our children’s lives. However, there are age restrictions and dangers that we should all be aware of. Here are some tips and advice on three platforms that are probably the most popular – Facebook, WhatsApp and Modern Warfare.
As part of Online Safety Week, we spoke about tips and advice on using the internet safely, we hope it lead to healthy discussions at home. Here are some conversation starter tips.