Dear Parents
As the summer term draws to an end, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to the pupils, parents and primary team who have coped admirably during this past year with the ever-changing circumstances we find ourselves in. I am incredibly proud of our children and teachers and what they have achieved this term.
The end of year Zoom ''meet the new teacher'' sessions have been a true testament of the spirit of Oryx International School and the strong parent: teacher partnership in place. Thank you to parents who continue to share their appreciation with their teachers and to those parents who offer their ideas and suggestions that help us to reflect on our practices.
Today, the teaching teams across primary have said a final farewell to the pupils in their care and we have said goodbye to our Year 6s who are looking forward to starting an exciting new chapter of their learning journey next year. Thankfully, many of whom are not going too far, and we will still be able to keep a special eye on them! We look forward to hearing about their achievements and their progress in our secondary school. The highlight of this term for many of them was the Y6 Graduation and their adventure week - very special memories that we were all proud to be a part of.
Today, we will also be saying farewell to some of our primary staff who are off to pastures new. On behalf of the Primary team, I'd like to thank them for their commitment to the school and for the education of your children. We wish them all the very best of luck in their new pursuits.
There has been much to celebrate this term. As many parents will know, we were winners of the TT Rockstar competition with Oryx placed 1st out of 12 schools across Qatar! We had 6 classes in the top 10 out of 147 classes across Qatar and 9 children who placed in the top 15 children out of 1170 children across Qatar. Congratulations also to Zidan in Y2 who won the British Schools in the Middle East writing competition. Thanks to the PE team, especially Mrs. Kelly, who organized the successful gymnastics and skipping events for our children. Undoubtedly the highlight for many of our children ( and teachers) has been the re-introduction of school trips- watch this space for even more planned trips and events next year!
It was a pleasure to meet our new parents at the "Welcome to Oryx" meetings held recently and I look forward to seeing our existing parents again in September.
Whatever you are doing during this summer break, I hope you have a lovely time . Take care and stay safe.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Andrea Smith