As we approach our mid term-break, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the primary team who go over and above to make Oryx International a great place to learn and a great place to be! Over the last nine weeks, I have had the privilege of visiting classrooms, talking to the pupils, looking at their books and have witnessed first hand the quality of learning that is taking place.
Congratulations to our new Head Girl, Chloe Glover and Head Boy Sanjit Salvi, good luck with your new leadership positions.
It is with sadness we will be saying goodbye to Mr. McConnell as he is returning to the U.K. at the end of this week. Mr. MConnell has enjoyed teaching the Year 5 class and I know that the pupils and parents from his class will miss him. As a school community, we all wish him the very best for the future. We are also saying “see you soon” to Mrs. Andrea Perera and Mrs. Mihiliya Perera! They are both taking a little time out on maternity leave. In my next newsletter, I will be able to inform parents of the new appointments we have made to the primary team.
Next half term is set to be just as busy with the Winter Fair, assemblies, assessments, reports and parents’ evenings. We are looking forward to making many more memorable moments together over the next few months.
Making memories together
Thank you to all the students, parents and staff who made such a fantastic effort to raise awareness for cancer research in Qatar. Everyone looked brilliant in their pink outfits.
The children in FS1 had a great time making pizzas at Carluccios in Qatar Mall . A massive shout out to the staff at the restaurant who made this a wonderful experience for our children, parents and staff.
The Year 1 children visited the organic agricultural farm this week as part of their topic, 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. It was a wonderful experience for them all – they didn’t go home with magic beans but I hope they enjoyed baking with their flour gift.
Who needs the owls of Hogwart’s when we have our very own owls at Oryx? Congratulations to Year 6 who have been very creative over the last few weeks. Their persuasive writing has also been impressive! So much so, that they will all be writing in pen after the mid-term break. However, their powers of persuasion weren’t good enough for me to ban home learning !! Sorry Year 6.
We have all enjoyed seeing what other classes have been learning about. Over the last few weeks, classes have shared their work on growth mindset, respect, dinosaurs, volcanoes and traditional tales.
Our winning house for October was Mercury. Congratulations to all our children who are demonstrating superb learning attitudes and promoting our school value of respect and were this week’s learning stars.
We are currently awaiting Ministry of Education approval for the Y6 residential to Oman. More information about this trip will be sent to parents as soon as we can.
Roles and responsibilities Our new House Captains, School Council reps, Eco Warriors and Head Boy and Head Girl are excited to take on their positions of responsibility and share their ideas.
Parents should be aware via Dojo that swimming doesn’t continue next term. Swimming will resume again after the Spring term break.
The majority of pupils are coming to school dressed in the correct school uniform. Please remind your children ( especially KS1) that they should not be coming to school in head bands that are not the school colours ( burgundy or black) Many of our KS1 children are also wearing necklaces and hooped ear-rings to school which is not appropriate. If you are buying new shoes for school during the break, please remember they should be black leather.
Pupils in Y5 & Y6 should wear tracksuit (black) trousers to school on their PE days when they are travelling to and from school.
Children should only wear PE kits to school on PE days. PE kits should not be worn to school if a child is staying for an ASA.
I do hope you all have a lovely break together. Stay safe and we will see all the children back on 3rd November.