Oryx International School in conjunction with Kings College and Pearling Seasons International School have organised a triangular tournament, for this academic year. Each school will host sporting events allowing the students to experience a different sport in a different environment. This will allow the children to experience the excitement of traveling together to compete against other schools, allowing them to visit new schools and to make new friends.
These trips will run alongside our PE lessons, they will focus on the specific sport the children will be learning in their lessons. Each year group will get the opportunity, throughout the year, to either travel to the host school or we will host a competition here at Oryx International School.
On Tuesday, 24 October, Year 2 traveled to Kings College to compete in the first-ever sports competition that Oryx International School has been involved in. Both the students and adults enjoyed the experience and all the children conducted themselves beautifully, showing respect to the other teachers and pupils of each participating school.