....and so the Winter Fair is over for another year and what a fantastic day we all had. It was such a pleasure to see so many happy children having endless fun with their families throughout the day taking part in the wide variety of activities we had on offer. Thank you to everyone who joined us on the day. We were overwhelmed by the number of people who attended from both our Oryx families and the wider community totaling in the region of 2000 visitors. The atmosphere was electrifying as everyone enjoyed all the fun of the fair.
Our Senior students played a much bigger role this year in planning, organisng and running their own 'Assault Course' and manning their activity throughout the day, which proved very popular with the crowd and also brought Orry and Orah to life throughout the day, which the younger children loved. Many of our Primary and Secondary students entertained us with their variety of musical performances from choirs to instrumental ensembles, which were such a pleasure to listen to. Thank you to the music staff for the many hours of rehearsing in the lead up to their performances. Many of our students also volunteered to help on the year group stalls and our Eco Warriors were on hand collecting all the recycling. We also had our students involved in filming a video of the day for us all to remember, alongside our photographers who have captured an abundance of photographs for us all to enjoy.
An event of this size takes a huge amount of work and effort from a large team of people working behind the scenes who give up hours of their time preparing for the Fair. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the Oryx family for their dedication and contribution in the months that have gone into preparing for this event. In particular, a huge thank you to our PTSA Committee who have had their family lives on hold for the whole of November as they worked tirelessly planning, preparing and organising every aspect of the Fair. This is a huge commitment and we at OIS are very grateful to have such an amazing, hard-working and dedicated team of ladies, and their husbands, who go above and beyond their remit constantly to make sure we provide the very best opportunities for our children. Thanks to our team of Class Reps who have worked so hard to set up stalls and activities for their year groups, including many parent volunteers who helped with decorations and planning of their stalls as well as helping out on the day. Thanks to all the incredible support we received from our Senior Leadership team and staff members in all departments for their invaluable help in ensuring all aspects of the logistics for the day were so professionally handled. To our Operations team who assisted us from the start with our sometimes crazy requests which they tried so hard to meet, to our Sound Engineers who ensured the entertainment on stage and in the courtyard flowed constantly and provided us with background music throughout the day, to our Security Team, Maintenance crew, Cleaning staff, Administrative staff, Teaching staff and our team of cashiers who managed the cash flow on our behalf, we couldn’t have done it without you!
We are all incredibly proud to belong to Team Oryx and look forward to more fun events to share in the months ahead. For now, I would personally like to wish everyone a very happy holiday and time to enjoy quality time with your families. May 2020 be filled with everything you are hoping for.
For more photos of the Fair, please go here.
Kind regards
Karen Laidlaw