Oryx International School Winter Fair
Date: Saturday, 15 December 2018
Time: 10.00 – 14.00
Preparations are well under way for our first Winter Fair which will be held in our school grounds on Saturday, 15 December 2018 from 10.00 – 14.00. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all our families and friends to this first big event. It will be a fun day for all to enjoy with a wide range of games and activities for the children, a street market with local vendors, arts and crafts stalls, face painting, musical entertainment from our choir and instrumental ensemble, home baking stalls, International food stalls, rhythm gymnastic display, dance display, zumba for all to join in and so much more …… Since our date is so close to Qatar National Day we will have an area devoted to Qatar with local foods to try, a Falcon to meet, henna, traditional dress and artifacts, etc. Payment for items bought from our external vendors will be in cash directly to the seller. Please remember to bring small denominations of notes with you as change is always a problem at such big events. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our beautiful new campus for a fun day out for all.
Whenever a big event is planned it is lovely to give all our parents the opportunity to help us with our preparations. If you would like to be involved or can contribute in any way from the list below or in any other way please email me directly on karen.laidlaw@oryxschool.qa for further information.
How can you help:
On the day with stalls or activities or with the set up process
Donate prizes for our Tombola Stall. This is a fun stall for adults and children where everyone that plays, wins a prize, and is always hugely popular at Fairs. We need a big selection of prizes from small token gifts to bigger and better prizes, which will all be on display, with the chance to win if you pick the matching number from a container of tickets. All prizes for this stall must be brand new and can be from any price range. Large soft toys are always a favourite with the children, stationery items, sports accessories, water bottles, toys for all ages, puzzles, cosmetics, jewelry, chocolates, biscuits, household items, etc. The more prizes we have the more fun it is.
Donate prizes for our Silent Auction. We are hoping to hold a Silent Auction with all cash raised being given to the local charities who are supporting us on the day: Doha Stitches, PAWS & Barking Q (animal welfare charities). For this we need some star prizes for adults donated by local businesses or friends of the community. Any company donations will be mentioned on the Sponsors page in our Fair programme. Things like vouchers for dinner, brunch, a hotel stay, a family entrance for a fun zone, tickets for concerts, a spa day, luxury goods of any kind, etc. Everyone will have the opportunity to place a bid for each item and the highest bidder will win the prize.
Donations of decorations to transform our grounds with a burst of colour – our colour theme is blue, white, burgundy and silver. Any contributions would be greatly received as would any help to put up the decorations in advance.
Any talented people who would like to share your skills with our children would be very welcome whether it be a sports activity, artistic or musical talent, craft work, etc.
Any talented DJ’s out there who would like to run our commentary on the day to entertain the crowds, provide suitable music or staging to enhance our event.
Any Qatari items we could add to our Qatar National Display.
Items to sell on our PTSA stall to help raise funds for our next event will be gratefully received from home baking to craft items, gifts for adults, toys for the children, etc. All items donated need to be new.
Donations of small prizes for the children to receive after every activity. If you can help in any way please email me directly. We will set up a PTSA table in Reception where you will be able to bring any donations.
Many thanks in advance for helping us make our Winter Fair a special day to remember for our Oryx community.