World Book Day 2019
World Book Day is taking place on March 7 2019.
This is an event promoting the enjoyment of books and reading. The main aim is to encourage children to explore the pleasure of books and reading. Many countries provide children with discounted or free books so they have the opportunity to have a book of their own.This may sound like a very simple idea, but unfortunately, many children do not have access to books in their homes.
Recently we held a parent workshop on Phonics. Phonics is a strategy that will ensure children learn to read, so they can then read to learn.
The types of book people like to read is certainly a personal choice and luckily there is a huge choice out there. You can check the internet for recommended books.
Here are a couple of links that may be useful:
In school we will be celebrating World Book Day during the week beginning March 3, which will culminate with a dress-up day and parade on Thursday March 7th.
The theme for World Book Day is Reading Around the World.
So we are putting an inter-global focus on the event.
1- Dress up in costumes of characters from books and stories from different countries. Would be good if it could be from your Home country but any country would be good. Most countries have lots of rich traditional folk tales or famous books that could be shared with everyone.
Some examples below:
Tin Tin from Belgium, Paddington Bear from Peru, Fionn McCumhaill from Ireland
2- Take some photos reading in extreme, strange or exotic places. Could be in front of a famous landmark or somewhere typical of your home country or where you are visiting (if you are traveling this week). Some examples below:
3- During Book Week it would be good for some parents to come into school and read some Traditional Folk Tales or other stories from your Home Country. We will contact you later about that and ask for volunteers.
4 – All the schools from Orbital Education are taking part in a competition to DESIGN A LOGO for World Book Day. The theme is READING AROUND THE WORLD.
If you like you can do this over the holidays and send entries to school by February 19