This term, the Eco-Warriors have been busy putting plans into action!
We have focused on the theme of 'waste' this term and have implemented a paper and cardboard recycling system with thanks to Al Suwaidi Paper Factory. The Eco-Warriors decided to create a competition to name the recycling boxes located in each key stage to raise awareness. There were many name entries, but the following names were chosen: For Year 1 and Y2, Green Heart, Year 3 and Year 4 have Planet Hero and Year 5 and Year 6 have Recycling Rob! The Eco-Warriors are presenting regularly to their class using Canvas to keep everyone involved and informed.
Recently, the Eco-Warriors have been planning what they would like to do during Earth Week (30th April - 4th May). They would like to create quizzes for primary and secondary students and think about key questions that classes could debate over. We will soon be having a visit from Victoria from Refill2Save, who has created a business that involves reusing plastic bottles to refill soap, washing up liquid, laundry detergent, and an all-purpose cleaner. The products are made locally in Qatar, and she has a refill station inside her car. She will be coming to school during Earth week so the children can bring bottles from home and get them refilled for a cheaper price than at the supermarkets. A great initiative to reduce and reuse plastic bottles. More information to follow.
With the theme of Global Citizens, we are setting up a pen-pal system with other Orbital Schools, the Eco-Warriors are extremely excited to find out what other schools are doing to achieve the Eco Award.
Also, next term, the children decided that they wanted to have a vegetable garden in school, linking to the theme of Sustainable Food. These will be built in school and later in term 3, the Eco-Warriors can begin planting vegetables.
Eco-Warrior Teacher Representatives have also been busy updating the Canvas page with curriculum links being made in each year group. It's fantastic to know that children in every year group are learning about sustainability through different topics. For example, Year 1 created a Bug Hotel, Year 2 have been learning about the impact of pollution on habitats and visited two different ponds and Year 6 recently went on a beach clean-up where they found very interesting items, linked with climate change, litter, marine, and coast waste. There is a lot going on!
Keep up the great work, Eco-Warriors, you're having a strong impact on our school.